Clever, Very: Mark David Kaufman
This installment of our “Clever, Very” series is an interview with Mark…
“Clever, Very” is an ongoing series of interviews with various members of the Joycean community. “Clever, Very”–which takes its name from a headline from the “Aeolus” episode in Ulysses (U 7.674)–seeks to give our readers short and interesting insights into the activities and of other Joyce scholars.
This installment of our “Clever, Very” series is an interview with Mark…
For this installment of our “Clever, Very” series, we interviewed Dylan Emerick-Brown,…
For the latest installment in our “Clever, Very” series, we interviewed Dr.…
Recently, Nuala O’Connor won The JJQ’s fiction contest, which asked participants to…
As part of our “Clever, Very” series, we recently interviewed Mary Burke,…
As part of our “Clever, Very” series, we recently interviewed Richard Barlow,…
Michelle Witen will be co-leading this Summer’s Zurich James Joyce Foundation’s Annual…
For our latest installment of “Clever, Very,” we interviewed Dr. Judith Paltin…
Simon O’Connor was recently appointed Director of the Ulysses Centre* at Newman…
For this “Clever, Very” interview, Matthew Hayward spoke with us about his scholarship…