The Space Between Fiction and Reality: Uncovering the Real Lizzie Twigg
Elizabeth Foley O’Connor
A Royal Divorce: Background, Summary, and Commentary
John Gordon
Hope, Hunger, and Spiritual Liberation in Joyce’s Dubliners
David Rando
Mētis in Modern Life
Benjamin Madden
“The flow of language as it is. the Thoughts”: On time and Thoughts and Movement in Ulysses
Timea Mészáros and Dirk Vanderbeke
“Here He Ponders Things That Were Not”: Potentiality and Actuality in Joyce’s Ulysses
Teresa Valentini
William S. Brockman
Penelope Says
Robert Berry
Bloom’s Death
Stuart Jay Silverman
Nora: A Love Story of Nora and James Joyce, by Nuala O’Connor
Margot Norris
The Varieties of Joycean Experience by Tim Conley
Genevieve Sartor
Language as Prayer in “Finnegans Wake,” by Colleen Jaurretche
Frances McCormack
James Joyce and Classical Modernism by Leah Culligan Flack
Laura Pelaschiar
Flann O’Brien: Gallows Humour, edited by Ruben Borg and Paul Fagan
Erika Mihálycsa
O Noapte cu Molly BLoom Romanul unei femei (A Night with Molly Bloom: The Novel of a Woman), by Mircea Mihăies
Arleen Ionescu and Laurent Milesi
Aloysius the Great, by John Maxwell O’Brien
Richard Gerber